Keshe Foundation – INTRODUCTION

Disruptive Technologie Alerte

En ce moment même un peu partout sur la planète et relayé par le Web des bricoleurs s’équipent de leur kit de fabrication et s’apprêtent à répliquer un produit de la Fondation Keshe.

Si c’était un énième porte manteau en pied de chaise DIY, cela n’aurait pas attiré mon attention, mais dans le cas de cette histoire certaines choses me poussent à croire qu’il y a quelque chose de spécial derrière cette vague #OpenSource.

Basée sur une nouvelle définition de la force de gravité connectée à la matière et à l’espace en état harmonique, ce monsieur Keshe promet des applications hallucinantes!! Soins thérapeutiques, énergie électrique libre et gratuite, antigravité, vols spatiaux, etc…

La semaine dernière ma rencontre avec Tom qui participe à la fondation depuis qq années a pu constater l’effet curatif des GANS (gaz in nano state) sur la maladie de sa mère et qu’il les fabrique avec facilité. Là, mon taux de confiance remonte d’un niveau…Je vous laisse écouter le monsieur pour vous faire une idée ( il parle beaucoup 😉

Je ne sais pas pourquoi sa page wikipedia a été effacée, mais (grace à on pouvait y lire en 2006:

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is a nuclear engineer involved with plasma reactors which are designed in analogy with Cosmology. He postulates that the known Inner_core of Earth encapsulates a smaller hollow space of about 8 km Diameter. This small center is filled with Hydrogen, Helium and other elements, and its acts like a semi-nuclear reactor. This reactor generates a proper magnetic field. This first Magnetic_field is superimposed by the second magnetic field which is created by Convection. Similar to this approach Marvin Herndon, a US geophysicist, postulates a Georeactor in the center of Earth, but filled with heavy radioactive elements. Keshe refers however to the Solar_system where the majority of the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium, are positioned in the center, in the Sun. While this theory is not confirmed by the academic world, Keshe states that by applying his theoretical concepts in reactor prototypes he generates voltage and current, and is able to create Graphene at room temperature and ambient pressure. Mehran Keshe was born in Iran in 1958, as son to an X-ray engineer working for Philips and Siemens, and he was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear at a very young age. In the mid-seventies he moved to the United_Kingdom, Europe, for further education in the field of Nuclear_physics. In 1981 he graduated from Queen_Mary,_University_of_London as nuclear engineer specialized in reactor technology system control. At that time he developed a number of theoretical ideas related to more simple nuclear concepts and their applications, and the possibilities of using double magnetics fields inside reactors, which ideas were not accepted for testing by the Nuclear_industry. He then decided to enter into private international trading. While running his private business he developed further his nuclear concepts, and finally in 2002 he has decided to finish the full design of his ideas about Nuclear_technology. This includes the production of Gravity and Anti-gravity, and Energy be the use of Nuclear_material in a clean and safe Hydrogen fueled Reactor.

Mehran Keshe introduced the concept of double magnetic fields, to explain the magnetic and gravitational field of Earth. Unknown by the existing Scientific_community he wrote a number of scientific papers in 2004 and sent them for peer-review, such as « The creation of black holes ». When one of the persons performing the peer-review used in public his information he decided to draw back his papers, and to concentrate further on the building of prototypes. In 2004 Keshe was invited to Belgium by a semi-official organization for the evaluation of the technology, and his technology was examined by scientists at the VUB in Brussels from November of 2004 until March 2005. The report from the University concluded that the production of energy through his new technology « is feasible ». Since early October of 2005 three international Patents for the Plasma_reactor technology have been applied for, for all aspects of its possible use, covering some hundreds of applications. At the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 several static plasma reactors were build, which proved the theoretical insights stated before. These static reactors work at room temperature and at normal atmospheric pressure, similar as the conditions claimed for Cold_fusion. These reactors provide Voltage and Current. Also Deposits of pure Carbon layers are generated in these reactors, and Raman_spectroscopy performed by a well known scientific Institute has confirmed that these layers are wall-graphite of sp2, also called Graphene. Since the beginning of 2006 several prototypes of dynamic reactors are build, some specifically designed to create hovering effects, similar to effects sees with Magnetic_levitation. Keshe claims that basic hovering effects have been achieved.

==See also== * Hydrogen * Plasma_Physics * Cold_Fusion * Fusion_Power ==External links== * Plasma reactor project

Pour résumer, c’est un ingénieur de presque 60 ans, spécialiste en physique nucléaire, d’origine iranienne qui depuis des années a compris le plasma (officiellement utilisé) la fusion froide (officiellement impossible), l’électromagnétisme et la gravité. Il s’est mis à l’écart pour développer des applications à sa théorie et le voila sur le Net.

Pour un peu mieux appréhender la « technologie » qui réside derrière ces inventions, je vous invite à écouter la théorie de l’Univers Fractal de Nassim Haramein.

Magrav_Generator_GeneralEn tout cas, souhaitant la paix dans le monde, il commence depuis quelques jours à publier les modes de fabrication de ses applications.

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